the intern

美 [ðə ɪnˈtɜːrn]英 [ðə ɪnˈtɜːn]
  • 网络实习生;实习;实习医师
the internthe intern
  1. The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it .


  2. The intern bandaged the cut as the nurse looked on .


  3. Let 's go see if the intern likes fast cars .


  4. This article is trying to research the intern relationship between learning region and regional economic development .


  5. ABC Analysis Approach Used to Explore the Intern ′ s Psychological Needs of Instructor


  6. Result The Intern doctors ' ability of clinical thinking and problem analysis of the has been greatly improved .


  7. grab a seat at one of the intern tables over there .


  8. Everyone will know Anna the intern was really Anna the spy .


  9. Participants in the intern program were required to write a paper analyzing the company where we were placed .


  10. The intern came across a problem in her project , so she turned to me for advice and help .


  11. The intern should be able to monitor project activities and come up with evaluations and recommendations for future reference .


  12. Methods The intern students of year 1999 and year 2000 majoring in clinical medicine received intensive training in physical examination skills .


  13. Suddenly the intern noticed something peculiar .


  14. An internship must primarily benefit the intern , who must work under close supervision and not displace existing staff .


  15. The Intern , for instance , depicts a young entrepreneur striving to balance her career and family .


  16. The Intern has earned superb reviews for its plot and storytelling .


  17. Whether you 're the intern or the boss , learn how to be polite at work with basic office manners .


  18. The intern had been missing for 13 months before the grim discovery in Rock Creek Park .


  19. Oh , just send the intern . She 's cute , and she 's super perky .


  20. Shortage and countermeasures to implement the Intern at I on al C on venti on for the Safety of Life at Sea in our country


  21. The intern who complained probably logged off , and then had settings overwritten when another intern logged off .


  22. Made the intern to renew the idea , strengthened the prevention consciousness , in the practice aware execution hospital infection control each measure , has received the better teaching effect .


  23. The intern , they said , was to blame for being naive . " Was this girl raised on an Amish farm or something ? "


  24. And so the intern 's out having fun , and here we are , the bosses , painting the walls at 3:00 A.M.


  25. Most banking internships resemble scaled-down graduate schemes , with the intern assigned a mentor and given work similar to that expected of a graduate recruit .


  26. NANCY MEYERS In [ " The Intern " ] we don 't really emphasize guilt . There 's been enough written about women 's guilt .


  27. Hyla Wallis , who runs the intern program , told the Insider that interns are assigned to every team and there 's no project off limits .


  28. Anne Hathaway was in " The Intern , " " perched on a hotel bed in a hotel robe , eating from a can of overpriced nuts , having tea and freaking out .


  29. The Intern " " is a Nancy Meyers movie , and these sorts of cute career-woman meltdowns are the Eddie Van Halen guitar solos of her romantic comedies .


  30. On compensation for personal injury of college students during the graduation intern
